grand prix 24extreme fighters 24team soleaiaras100 muay thay 24curso arbitro 24jovenes promesas 24time shock 24road-to-glory 2examen cinturon kick 24ragnarok24interclub power 24velada muya thi dic24wolves warriors 24biska ama malta 2025road to gloyface to face CRIS VS SOFÍA (final)face to face RULO VS YULEN (final)grand prix 24wolves warriors 24extreme fightersfight night 24anatari nov24ccx cup 24free fighters 24muay fimey 24mala fama 24seminario preparacion fisica 24iberia fight championiberia fight seminario desiree rovirajornada kickragnarok 24rfh 24IMG_7146

mala fama 24

fighter night sep24

rfh 24

siam combat 24

antarai oct24

liga guerreros oct24desiree masterclassall stars edition 24fight night 24seminario antonio campoycas7ileonlocal heroes oct24seminario hitmantime to fight 24siam combat series 24liga guerrero 4 jul24velada muaythai jul24kudo sep24freefighters jul24muaythai colmenar jun24muaythai colmenar ju24mala fama 24scs 24copa canaria 24festival artes marciales jun24time to fight 11wolves jun24fight fest valencia 24srk muaythai 4liga guerreros 3 jun24local heroes jul24masterclass richi may24royal fighters jul24seminario krav maga jun24torneo iska oct24open omke nov24urduñaopen cataluña jun24seminario richi jun24guerreros ring jun24mtws 24opentime to fight 24grados omke 24extreme fighthers 24sparring muay thai abr24open andaluz jun24liga guerreros 2 24copa canaria jul24the fighting club abr24combat time 9 liga guerresos 24gran-prix-jun24kick-boxing-riveira-abr24open-nacional-talavarea nov24jovenes-promesas-3-abr24local heroes my24srk 24star fighters 24promesas abr24freefighters abr24 extreme fighers 24 boxeo wbf 24homenaje-nai-24freefighters 2 born to fight 24 guerreros24chap-ko24returning from hell 7mkr masterclassmtws alovera feb24catalunya u18mala fama 7championships 2024combat time mar24antarai 18interclub convivenciafree fighters feb24local heroes feb24timetofight 9PHOTO-2023-12-11-14-06-27open omke playa interiormuaythai navarro 23open omke norte abr24